domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Vandana Shiva on Global Food Crisis: Listening Comprehension and Writing activities

Vandana Shiva on Global Food Crisis
Listening Comprehension and Writing Activities

A) You are about to listen to an economist and activist in Delhi called Vandana Shiva. Before you listen, take a few minutes to do some research and think about the current global food crisis. Then, listen to her and answer the following questions in your own words as far as possible.

  1. What does Vandana Shiva accuse the World Bank and the IMF of?
  2. In her view, how have they engineered the current global food crisis?
  3. What does she mean by "the perfect storm" that she claims we are in? What are its three forces?
  4. According to Vandana Shiva, why are the World Bank and the IMF taking the leadership of third world agriculture?
  5. Why does she think the proposals put forward for the Green Revolution for Africa are "the wrong way to grow"?
  6. How does Vandana Shiva say organic agriculture can mitigate this crisis?
  7. In her view, what should governments do? Why?

B) Write two pieces of about 100-150 words each.

1. Give your own opinion of Vandana Shiva´s ideas and the issues she raises.

2. Choose one of the following and write about it.

a) Start a forum debate by commenting on a blogmate´s views as stated in the previous exercise.
b) Compare Vandana Shiva´s ideas to those proposed in the following:

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